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St Robert Southwell

Catholic Primary School

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Bethlehem (YR)


Welcome to Early Years

During your child’s first year at school we deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage by using the ‘Come and See’ Catholic topics as a starting point for our learning.  In addition to this we also consider individual children’s interests and needs, to provide a holistic curriculum that supports each child’s ongoing learning and development.


We offer a continuous play-based approach where children can explore their indoor and outdoor school environment whilst engaging in challenging activities, interesting topics and learning through first hand experiences.


Early Years Staff

Miss Wickens – Class Teacher

Mrs Winton – Early Years Educator and Class PPA Teacher



Welcome Bethlehem families 


Catholic Education

Within the Catholic Education we will explore our class name 'Bethlehem' and our class saint 'Mary'. The children will develop their understanding of their faith through candle time, prayers and class worship as well as religious education inputs and activities. 


The RE topics include; 

  • Autumn Term ‘Creation and Covenant’ and 'Prophecy and Promise'
  • Harvest
  • Spring Term – 'Galilee to Jerusalem' and 'Lent'
  • Fair Trade Fortnight
  • Summer Term – ‘To the Ends of the Earth' and 'Dialogue and Encounter'
  • Other faith’s week (Islam)


House Colours

Your child will have been allocated a house colour; they will be awarded house points for their house. In Bethlehem, we collect tokens/counters to represent house points. 


Red house team - St Richards

Green house team - St Bernadettes

Yellow house team - St Wilfrids

Blue house team - St Clares




We will use Tapestry as a platform to share photographs and videos, WOW moments and celebrate successes. 

Mrs Winton and myself will also use Tapestry as a communication tool to share class messages, updates and information to you all.

Tapestry also allows your to share WOW moments from home.



Please read with your children daily, using their school book to support their early reading skills. We will initially sending home story books to be shared together which promote rhyme and word pattern.  Other fiction and non-fiction books will continue to engage their imagination and develop their vocabulary. 




On your child’s birthday, we ask that they do not bring sweets for their friends, but if they would like to donate a book to the class for the book corner instead, then it would be greatly appreciated.  They can also come to school in their own clothes on their birthday, or on the nearest school day if their birthday falls at the weekend.




Each day at school, please make sure your child brings;

- A water bottle with fresh water.

- Labelled jumper/cardigan.

- Labelled coat for wet weather. 

- Their bookbag, reading record and books. 

- Tricky words 

