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Mental Health & Well-Being

Children's Mental Health Week - 6th - 12th February 2023


Children’s Mental Health Week is organised by the Place2Be charity and is taking place from Feb 6th-12th. This year’s theme is ‘Let’s Connect’ to encourage children (and adults) to look at how we can make meaningful connections. When we have healthy connections – to family, friends and others – this can support our mental health and our sense of wellbeing.

1 in 6 children have a diagnosable mental health issue, so it’s really important to help each other out when we can, and to find ways to take care of our minds. One very simple but powerful way to connect with others is through kindness.


Kindness is a simple way to help EVERYONE. When we are kind to each other, it helps us to feel connected, which means we forge new friendships or deepen existing ones. Research has also shown that when we’re kind, when someone is kind to us or even if we just witness kindness, our bodies release feel-good hormones which lift our mood, giving us what’s known as a ‘Helper’s High’. It’s also been shown that people who are kind have much lower stress levels, age more slowly and have healthier hearts. Kindness isn’t just a nice thing to do, but can help us improve our own well-being, while helping others at the same time. And Children’s Mental Health Week is a perfect time to start!


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Children's Mental Health Week
