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St Robert Southwell

Catholic Primary School

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Jericho Weekly Homework Expectations:


 Reading journals will be checked on a Tuesday and spelling tests are on a Friday.



Reading regularly (at least 4 times a week). This can be for around 15 minutes at a time; please read outloud to a family member and have them challenge you with questions from your VIPER bookmark. Record what you have read, which pages and a comment (using one of the questions on your Y3 viper bookmark). I will be checking these weekly on a Tuesday. 


You will have a list of 10 words to practice and learn each week. The spellings are given out for the start of each half term. A test will happen every Tuesday (to see what we already know) and on a Friday to see what we have learnt. 


Times tables rock stars - please practice your times tables 3 x a week. 

Maths Whizz - try to aim for 3 diamonds of progress a week (including what we do in class). 

We will monitor your access to the site weekly.



Reading Resources

Spelling Resources
