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St Robert Southwell

Catholic Primary School

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The weekly expectation for homework in Emmaus for  the Autumn Term is:


1.  Reading 5 times a week recorded into the reading record, which is handed in on a Wednesday for checking.   A minimum of 3 comments recorded in your reading record,  answering a question from the bookmark,  is expected.




2.  Learn the 5 spelling words.    The words are uploaded onto the website and shared with the children on a Thursday for a test the following Thursday.  Please can you practise these little and often to ensure that they are in your long term memory and not just learnt for a test.  


3.  Maths - Use Maths Whizz.  The recommendation is 3 x 15 minutes a week.   I will track your weekly progress on a Thursday.  


4.  Maths - Practise your times tables for 12 minutes a week for those of you who have not yet achieved Rock Star status so that you can go to Year 6 with secure and fast recall of the times tables.






Summer 1 Week Spellings - Set Thursday 18 April Test Thursday 25 April

Summer 2 Week Spellings - Set Thursday 25 April Test Wednesday 1 May

Summer 3 Week Spellings - Set Thursday 9th May Test Thursday 16 May
